Sunday, 25 September 2011


I was fed up of not having a phone yesterday. So I remembered that I still have my old phone. So I digged out a pink flip up phone. I broke the charger by accident ages ago and haven't been able to turn it on since. Anyway I found a charger that happened the have the right shape fitting on the end, so I plugged it in and THE PHONE CAME ON. yippee

My brother, his girlfriend and Sophie came up to see us today. Sophie is soooo cute she is really strong, she has started teething and has already got two teeth
she is also starting to talk a little bit.

There is a new deli shop that has just opened at the end of our road. I love olives so we got some and had it with some rocket, salmon slices and parsley for decoration i loved the olives but mum thought diffrently about them. lol

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