Tuesday, 17 June 2008

Popeye the dog lol

Hello my ps2 has not been working  so we got  another controller and it works now!!!   We got a shrek game and its really good;  i'm glad i picked it.  

this morning popeye sort of woke me up as he was bored.  he went down the back of the bed and he got stuck.   there was just little space so he had to put his back legs up in the air!!!   lol and it was so funny lol.   he got out anyway and then he went to have something to eat.  he keeps following the dogs so he must think that he's a dog lol. 

yesterday mum showed me how to crochet and i'm making a bag - its looking good. 




stefndawniy said...

how's the bag getting on?
how are you? *waving x

Amber Kirk-Ford said...

That sounds fun, the bag I mean. You are invited to Catriona's birthday party on my blog at 8th August, 5pm. Hop u can come!