Hello my Gran came back from holiday yesterday and she brought me some rock that is yum and she also brought me a bag of quite nice sea shells. She also got us a big wodge of salami and when we went home the dogs nicked it when my back was turned. Guess they must have been fedup of being left alone all afternoon while we were at Gran's. My Mum thought it was funny.
It has been really windy here and our wheelie bin has gone missing lol Mum has been searching for it but can't find it. She says that she hopes that it hasn't ended up on a roof somewhere! lol
Hi Annie
I'm glad your grandma came back. How did you get a new background onto your blog? I found a background I wanted to use but I don't know where the code should go.
Hi Sarah,
My older brother did it for me. Once he'd copied the code, I think he went into customiz... at the top right hand corner of the blog and then onto "add page element". Then onto html/java and put the code there. I think you can view blog after this bit.
This bit I'm not sure of and I can't remember if he did this for the background or the banner, but I think he might have dragged that element box to the middle of the blog on the left but maybe that was for the bottom banner, now I think about it. Hope that helps:O)) Annie
Hi Annie!
Can you remember me? I haven't commented on your blog for ages!! If you go on my blog it looks so much different! I have another blog called, The Fact File which people can join. You can join if you want, the rules are on there and it tells you what to do on there too. The address is, http://thefactfile.blogspot.com
Did you feel the earthquake? I did!
Yes, id like to join. I didn't feel the earthquake but my Mum did. I was too busy sleeping. lol
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