Sunday, 11 November 2007

Us at home

Today we made some bread and chocolate brownies and they are lovely.

Olive is a little tinker because she can now open doors and keeps getting out to say hello to the dogs and gets outside into the garden. I am worried that she may get lost or hurt.

I made a skittle game out of juice bottles and the kittens keep pinching the ball. It is quite funny. Popeye does it the most :o)

Left to right is Meg, Olive and Popeye.

I have been waching the X Factor and I want Same Difference to win. My mum thinks Rhydian will win.

I cannot wait until Christmas. I would like some Bratz dolls.


Sarah said...

Hi Annie, I watch The X Factor to, but I don't like Rhydian or Same Difference very much. I like Niki and Alisha, they are quite good. You're cat won't get lost or hurt, my cat is gone all day usually and she always comes back completely safe but sometimes she is a bit muddy LOL.


stefndawniy said...

your cats look soo happy in their little dens :)

Chelsea said...

Hello annie,
Please can I put a link to your blog on mine?
Ps Your cats are cute!

Chelsea said...

Happy new year!
From chelsea

Chelsea said...

Happy new year!
From chelsea

catriona said...


I'm Catriona. My blog is What I've done today. I am 10 years old, I'm not home educated. I was wandering if we could be friends. :)

Could you visit my blog, there is a link to it from Sarahs blog.


Chelsea said...

You've been tagged!!!

7 fave movies

7 fave songs

7 things you're good at

7 things you can't do

7 things you want to do when you're older

7 people you are gonna tag with this!

Just put this, who you've been tagged by, and your answers on your blog!!!

Joy said...

You've been tagged!!!

7 fave movies

7 fave songs

7 things you're good at

7 things you can't do

7 things you want to do when you're older

7 people you are gonna tag with this!

Just put this, who you've been tagged by, and your answers on your blog!!!

Sarah said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stefndawniy said...

I've made a yahoo group for the our space bloggers :o)

if you want to join your parent needs to give you permission, then go to

dawny x